10 ways to become successful in both career and life according to Tom Corley

What would it take you to become successful or accomplished?
What would it take you to be greater than who you are or who you think you can become?
Are there things you wanna do but can’t at the moment?
How can I do them?

I read Meiko Patton’s article on “Twenty-one Ways to Achieve Wealth and Success” this morning. It’s a powerful read. It is based on Tom Corley’s book “Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.” The followings are the gist of the takeaways for me.

1. Set good daily habits.

Good habits are the foundation of wealth building. If you understand that your bad habits may be preventing you from becoming wealthy, that realization will be the first step in your improving your circumstances.
Corley’s suggestion: Take out a sheet of paper. List your bad habits in one column and then invert each one to place under a new column for good habits.
For example, Bad habit: I watch too much TV. Good Habit: I limit myself to one hour of TV per day.

2. Create long-term goals.
Break down into manageable tasks with an action plan.

3. Get things done.

4. Engage in self-improvement daily.

5. Take care of personal health.

6. Make time for relationship building.
Reach out to your contacts and look for ways to help them with no expectation of in return.

7. Do things in moderation.

8. Keep a positive outlook.

9. Reject self-limiting thoughts.

10. Save money on a regular basis.

Citation: PATTON, MEIKO. “Twenty-one Ways to Achieve Wealth and Success.” The Globe and Mail. Entrepreneur.com. Entrepreneur Media Inc, 22 Oct. 2014. Web. 23 Oct. 2014.